Links for June 2024 Qualia Summer School

Qualia Summer School Webpage

Spring 2024: Michael and Donna created "toy" examples using pysheaf to solve optimization problems.


Slides 1-A
Slides 1-B

Caveat: If you are playing the hide-n-seek fox with a colleague, *either* simply set wt=1 for both players, *or* if you both decide on a different common weight, the person finding the fox should not multiply by wt when setting the non-optimized sensor values for s1 and the second part of s3.

Slides 2-A
Slides 2-B
Slides 3-A
Slides 3-B
Slides 4-A
Slides 4-B
Slides 5-A

Collab Sheets

Google Collab Worksheet: 0 LSR
Google Collab Worksheet: 1 Titan
Google Collab Worksheet: 2 Fox
Google Collab Worksheet: 3 Two Cars
Google Collab Worksheet: 4 Three Cars
Google Collab Worksheet: 5 Circuit
Google Collab Worksheet: 6 Iris
Google Collab Worksheet: 7 LSAT
Google Collab Worksheet: 8 DE
Google Collab Worksheet: 9 Poly
Google Collab Worksheet: Demo1
Google Collab Worksheet: Demo2
Google Collab Worksheet: 10 Driving

Resource Links:

PySheaf Home
Examples Playlist
DD's video walkthrough of paper by MR